Everyone has a style and when it comes to handbags, I like them big, open and bold. I finally manged to find some time to make myself a new handbag.
This time up, I made The Coalition. I have been wanting to make this bag since the latter part of 2019. You heard me right 😂 😂. 2019. Don’t judge me!
Why. why, oh why did I wait so long. Who knows! What I do know now is that this will become one of my regulars. It’s an all around great bag with so much room for creative minds.
I did make some modifications to the pattern. Nothing major, but it had to be done 😉.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Machine: Bernina 770
Feet: 1D and 10D
Fabric: Quilting Cotton and Vinyl
Modifications: Added accent piping, shortened lining, altered bottom and side seam alowance and added interior slip pockets.
Michael Miller Dots and Kanvas Studios Glitz